Friday, July 16, 2010

Vermont Reading

I have been reveling in the Green Mountains of Vermont, in the glory of summer. And enjoying the a/c in the local libraries while we have heat wave after heat wave. At least my husband is home watering the plants!
So I thought it appropriate that I read some of the local authors, or work that was IN Vermont. Some interesting stuff from the last blog including:
Archer Mayor Price of Malice - this is the 19th?!! in a Vermont mystery series with Joe Gunther and his crew. I find them to accurately represent the state, although I try not to remember the murder, rape, drugs, mayhem that they deal with on a regular basis. This is such a beautiful state that I used to call home, would like to call home and am very glad to visit again! and often. Each mystery seems to get better, I do think they need to be read in order simply for the character development.
Rusty Dewees Scrawlins - I am a Dewees fan, always have been from the first moment I saw him in Judevine - a great Vermont play (wonderful book and poetry). He has been in a couple of other productions that I was lucky to see (Hydepark, Stowe and in Burlington) and I knew he was a friend of another friend of mine in Elmore. I had no idea all the other things that he has done in his life! This is a collection of his 'essays' / writings for a radio show that are simply stunning. Moving, intricate, funny, tragic, thoughtprovoking, sad, homespun while profound. A Vermont soul and a world human being. This was published a couple of years ago, but had not come across it. I need Vermont bookstores!
Images of America, Caledonia county VT - I love these historical books - mostly photographs of another era, any era that has photographs! I am not sure they have been done for all counties yet, but I found several that were great to flip through and absorb. Fascinating to compare with what i am seeing now, as I drive by, as I remember what it was like 30 years ago. Many changes, BUT, so much is the same. Thank heavens. Long may the mountains remain.

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