Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Book Clubs

Bluestocking Monarda in my garden
Please send in your comments about your bookclub (s) of what you are reading now. One of my book clubs (the BBC - for Bluestocking Book Club, or Bas Bleu Club, or Brunch Book Club, depending on origin) met yesterday (at Jaspers so someone else does the cooking and cleaning, but it is a delightful atmosphere with good food), and as always we discussed books. Not just any books, but books that you finish reading and simply MUST share with someone. Especially someone you know likes that author or that genre.
I loved seeing a Friends' face when I laid my copy of The Whisperer by John Connolly on her place setting. She was in need of the next good read, and travelling soon. She was also the person who introduced me to Harlan Coban, in the Friends' Bookstore, as we exchanged if you like him, read this! We passed around multiple copies of the Ariana Franklin Mistress of the Art of Death series. There was much discussion about the new Alexander McCall Smith series, while some were also catching up on his previous novels and series. New poetry suggestions, one of our friends is on the COVER of a new book, as her husband did a stunning photograph. It is rather mysterious but very beautiful. Now I need to buy that book too!
I am into reading nonfiction at the moment, with historical writing in New England my next work topic. As I was trying to sleep last night I was thinking I really needed something lighter to read, to ease the sleep process!
So = any and all book recommendations will be appreciated. I will be in the Bookstore today to have a look at new titles/acquisitions and will describe some of the best for you later!
Continue that Summer Reading and remember the Friends Reading Contest, creating alist of what you are reading - free books!

1 comment:

  1. One non-fiction recommendation: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. It may sound a little boring when you read the description (what? a book about cells for scientific research?) but it is very easy to read and not dry at all. It's more than just science and cell - it's about family and love and ethics and a lot more.
