Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2010 Reading List

I am travelling for a period, and finally getting time to look through the diary, check the emails, look over the lists, sort out my paper life! As it happens, with the invention of the iphone and built in camera, I have used the camera to take snapshots of books I want to read. In the last week, in various bookstores (Vermont has 55 wonderful used bookstores, and LOTS of libraries which are having summer book sales - and yes I am shipping books home out of the luggage) I have photographed a number of books: the list looks like this:
Julie Orringer The Invisible bridge
Georgette Heyer Duplicate death
Where the wild things are
Tinkers Paul Harding
AMS Double Comfort Safari Club
J. Maarten Troost Lost on Planet China
Eva Rice The lost art of keeping secrets
John McPhee Giving good weight
Archer Mayor Price of Malice
Rusty Dewees Scrawlins
Images of America, Caledonia county VT
Marina Fiorato The Botticelli secret
Juliet Gael Romancing Miss Bronte
Tana French Faithful Place

Yes I have read a couple of these years ago, but revisiting is also fun, sometimes in a different format (dvd or audio). Sometimes it is the republication cover that attracts attention and reminds you what a wonderful book that was. Or reminds you of where you were when you read it.

That plus another list, means I have alot to catch up on! But I have actually read a few books lately, and listened to a couple more travelling the back roads of Vermont. I am typing this in the Stowe Public Library, where I was a patron 25 years ago. I read through their entire collection of books on tape (and it was cassette tape then!) during my commute to Burlington, or to Huntington (Camel's Hump research site). This was where I learned to listen to children's books on tapes and can still recite some of the wonderful lines by incredible voices (and people!). And here I listened to hours of poetry, especially Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson, as well as radio programmes, that connected me again with my parents "the shadow knows!". This is a wonderful library, and community, and state. Tomorrow I head to Montpelier for two of my favourite bookstores: Rivendell and Bear Pond Books. With a couple of PO mailing boxes in hand.... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you have read any of these books, and which one I should start with! Time for the summer beach reads (or mountain reads!)
