Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer reads, John Connolly

Read nine of the books on my Kindle list and loved them. Now heading for the John Connolly new book The Whisperers...can't recommend unless you have read the others in this Charlie Parker PI series. I have thoroughly enjoyed them all, shared them with many, and have had reciprication, with the arrival of this new book in my post box!!! A dear friend sent this to me, to read while I was in New England. I was actually avoiding reading it here because it is bound to be scary, I would have to have all the lights on in the house, and would probably end up depressed (Well, the book would be finished until the next one, another year or two, and the human race doesn't always come off well, e.g. these are all too real books.). I am about to start reading though! It is a dilemma, as I can't finish it tonight and do I really want nightmares? He writes about places I love, with people I recognize. And there are a few restaurants that he comments on, that really ARE worth finding! My mouth is watering for those lobster rolls, and a good pint.


  1. Well, 5 hours later, every word devoured, I can attest that it was a great read. (I was completely oblivous to the plane ride). I still have a sense of foreboding (the next novel?) from the comments in passing about Charlie Parker having unfinished business. But his story and life are evolving, seemingly in a goodway. The supernatural is presented so matter of factly, yet horrifically. As are the details of the Iraq war, the veterans plight, the pain and suffering. Never forthe faint of heart, but absolutely amazing.

  2. Another friend was disappointed because for the first time he figured out who 'did' it...but still announced it was an excellent read.
