Monday, August 2, 2010

Read it and Eat - contest!

Here is your chance to "read it and eat." Cookbooks are full of wonderful reading and fabulous food. Many other books are full of wonderful eating and fabulous reading (for example, many mystery series include recipes, restaurants, or references to cooking from gourmet through the gamut to backyard BBQ.)

Your mission: Submit a photo of your favorite literary book, your favorite meal from a cookbook, or anything else relating to the topic of a summer feast. Include a caption or short commentary on what makes a good eating (reading) book.

The judges are partial to chocolate and could be open to sample bribery ;)

The best entry will win a book of your choice from our prize bookshelf including a selection of cookbooks.

Entries must be submitted by August 27, 2010.

A huge selection of cookbooks will be on Sale in the Friends' Bookstore during their Second Saturday Sale on August 14.
If you spend more than $20 you will receive a free t-shirt or tote bag.
Spend $10 or more and receive a free apron or oven mitt.

1 comment:

  1. Reap 'em and eat also works! the Veggie gardens are mass producing now with the rain and the heat - there are LOTS of great food ideas ;-)
