Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Visit to the Friends' Bookstore

A Visit to the Friends' Bookstore
by Catherine H. Armstrong

Friends' Bookstore
Located just to the right of the main
doors to the Rochester Public Library

When was the last time you stopped in at the Friends of the Library Bookstore?  Last week?  Last month?  Last year?  Never?  I have to admit that it had been a while for me...way too long, actually.  But this week I made a point of stopping in to see what was going on and what they had to offer.  All I can say is, WOW!  Why have I allowed so much time to lapse between visits?!
First of all, it's beautiful in there!  This is not your average gently used book store!  Not only are the rows of books neatly displayed and beautiful, but the selection of new titles is exceptional.  Nearly every copy seemed to be in almost pristine condition, and many of the titles are newly released and still on the best sellers lists.  Frankly, the selection was phenomenal!  While there, I came across a book I've been wanting for ages but hadn't purchased because I'm too cheap to pay the full publisher's price.  I ended up paying $3 for a book without a  single crack in the binding, not to mention that it had no creases or smudged pages.  Frankly, it looked as though it had never been opened.  What a steal! 
The Friends of the Library Bookstore is run entirely by volunteers and exists due to the generous donations from the community.  There are more than 80 volunteers who give graciously of their time to run the store, approximately 35 who sort donated books, and three who handle pricing. In 2009, more than 2000 volunteer hours were spent sorting donated books, while an additional 5000+ volunteer hours were spent within the bookstore or on special sales.  It is these amazing volunteers - and the patronage of those in the community - that makes the Friends of the Library Bookstore a success.
Next time you stop in at the library to pick up your next read, stop next door at the Friends' Bookstore.  It's located just past the main entrance doors to the library, facing 2nd Street.  And remember:  the public parking ramp now offers free one-hour parking, so there's no longer a need to stress about paying for parking!
Stop in today and take a look at the vast selection of books and magazines!

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