Monday, May 17, 2010

Friends' Bookstore Volunteer Opportunities

Each One Reach One
Our second Friends' Bookstore initiative for the year is to increase the number of volunteers that work as cashiers, sorters, and pricers. Right now we are in need of all three types of workers. Our "Each One Reach One" campaign is simple: each current Friends' Bookstore volunteer should try to recruit one other volunteer. We'd really like to see all ages represented, from high schoolers through empty-nesters. If you know someone who'd like to volunteer, have them stop in the store and pick up a green application form.
They will need to be interviewed by Gail or Marilyn before they can officially work in the store, and we hope to have the new volunteers trained and in place so we can create a new schedule in the fall. We hope that each volunteer will be able to work at least two shifts per month, but the work schedules can be flexible - as you know.

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